The cat named Pearl Phelinepoli is a very famous cat. It is obvious that she has a great personality. Pearl Phelinepoli has her own Facebook page. She even has her own blog called Pearl Cat and Her Family.
Do you think Pearl cat is spoiled? After all, she is one cute cat with a bit of a cross-eyed look. At least in some of her photos, but personally I think she is making faces for the camera.
The photo above is Pearl looking at the mouse pad that shows her on a colorful afghan. Below are a few products with Pearl on them. Her mommy gave permission to produce these on Zazzle products publicly.

More Pearl Cat Gifts found here.
Kingdom of Animals on Zazzle is always looking for cute animal photos. If you have some of your own that you give permission to use in the shop, please send them to me at If you would like to see products of your animal photos on products, but don't want them public, I can create a private folder just for you.
This blog is always looking for animal photos, videos and stories to share also. Contact Sandy at the address above.

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